After the first successful screening dedicated to artist and activist Joseph Beuys, Fresh Eye presents another film within the new thematic series of film evenings dealing with key personalities of (visual) culture in the second half of the twentieth century. Screened in Czech premiere, the documentary focuses on feminist, philosopher, science historian and biologist Donna Haraway, author of one of the seminal texts of the past century A Cyborg Manifesto.

Directed by Fabrizio Terranova in a visually innovative style, the documentary DONNA HARAWAY: STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL looks both into Haraway‘s private and professional life and into her original thinking outside the established dualistic categories of western thought (human vs machine, human vs animal, culture vs nature) as well as outside the polarizing identity politics based on a biological and psychologizing interpretation of gender and race. The philosophical position of Haraway as science historian breaks out of the conservative approach to the concept of scientific objectivity, which she perceives as strongly contaminated by traditional western cultural masculine concepts, and calls for a stronger representation of the feminist voice in the fields of technology and nature studies. Haraway’s research, covering diverse fields from primatology to digital technology, essentially aims to offer a vision of a future society which functions as a more equal and more free community permeated by elements of sharing information, knowledge and material background.

DONNA HARAWAY: STORY TELLING FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL was screened in world premiere in 2016 in Brussels. Since then, it has toured the world in the form of individual screenings, often presented in the context of contemporary art. The December screening is a premiere of the film in the Czech Republic.

The screening is held in English at the Big Hall of Kino Světozor at 8:30 pm.

The film is presented in cooperation with ArtMap and Documentary Monday.

Follow the program via our FB event.

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