» Image versus Sound

The relation between image and sound may assume various forms, challenging the simple notion of the audiovisual whole that is film, or the moving image accompanied by the verbal element and/or the sound element. Sounds significantly activate our imagination, giving rise to abstract mental images, evoking memories and bringing back particular snapshots from the archive of our memory. Some forms of visual expression can be seen as codes, notation records and semantic structures that may serve as organization principles for sound and music performances. In a similar way, images may become a unique material trace of an ephemeral music experience by which they were inspired.

The online program is a collaboration between Fresh Eye, ArtMap and DAFilms.com. It launches the book Sounds, Codes, Images (ArtMap, 2021) by curators Jitka Hlaváčková and Miloš Vojtěchovský based on the eponymous exhibition presented at Prague City Gallery in 2019. Also, 24 hours before the event, from Sunday, May 30, 7 pm to Monday, May 31, 7 pm, the documentary film The Sound Is Innocent by Johana Ožvold will be available for FREE viewing at DAFilms.com.

We will further present two short lectures and a hosted debate you can join via our YouTube chat. The program will be streamed live on the Fresh Eye YouTube channel and the Fresh Eye website.


MILOŠ VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, co-author of the book Sounds, Codes, Images and new media theorist

JOHANA OŽVOLD, director of The Sound Is Innocent and curator of the National Film Archive

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