» Image versus Subculture

The unity of culture and society is gradually falling apart. Those who were discontent with the dominant cultural code launched an offensive against all they perceived as uniform and conventional already half a century ago. What linked hippies through punks through dissidents in Czechoslovakia was an ethos of creating their own community, their own style and primarily their desire to live in accord with their inner convictions.

However, to what extent do these motivations only help spin the wheel of marketing and consumption as a result? Can subculture be reduced to its visual aspect only? Can a goth work at a corporation and how much time do those who are disgusted by metrosexuals and superficial society spend in front of the mirror modelling a majestic mohawk with styling mousse? Can subcultures still be the bearers of revolt today?

The theme will be discussed by the following guests:

JAN CHARVÁT, political scientist (Charles University in Prague): Culture, Counterculture and Subculture: from Protest to Integration”

MARIE ČTVERÁČKOVÁ (Mary C), music critic (Radio Wave): “Rap as a Hooker and Gold Digger Factory?”

ONDŘEJ NĚMEC, photographer (Václav Havel Library): “The Merry Ghetto”

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