» Image vs. Normativity. Dissent in the Polish Visual Field after 1989


Fresh Eye and WIDOK Magazine presents a special online programme dedicated to a reflection of transformation of the Polish visual field after 1989.

In the aftermath of the political, social and economic transformation of 1989, Polish visual culture has been undergoing many rapid developments. One of the crucial changes had to do with the “discovery” of Otherness and the emergence of non-normative bodies and identities in the public sphere. The post-socialist Other had to orient themselves vis-à-vis new modes of exclusion, local-global dynamic, new class structures, as well as formations of collective memory in relation to World War II and the period of the Peoples’ Republic of Poland. The three short presentations will be looking at practices of dissent in the visual field which seem particularly relevant for the discussion of the current situation. 

Dorota Sosnowska (Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw): Counter-Bodies: Angels in America in Poland 1995–2007

Magda Szcześniak (Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw) : Queer Counterpublics in Poland since the late 1980s 

Katarzyna Bojarska (Department of Cultural Studies, SWPS University in Warsaw): Feminine Counter-Memory: Witnessing and Remembering as Forms of Dissent

Follow the FB event page to learn about more detailed information.

Join this programme online via the live stream on Thursday, October 15 at 7pm!

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